Friday, January 14, 2011

OMG, I have a blog again.

What a great way to start a blog, saying that it is not the first one. It is true though. I used to have one years ago, like when I was a teenager in I erased it because...I got bored. XD Nah. I actually wasn't writing that much in it so what was the point of having one? So why another, you might ask? Well, lately or let's say since 2009...I had been having urges of writing again. You see, I used to study in the UPR Rio Piedras in Puerto Rico because I wanted to be a writer and also an english literature teacher to make the little kids suffer with novels like Dracula or something from Europe. I used to write about just anything back in the days. But then I changed my mind to graphic arts and animation which I found in Atlantic College in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. It is not the best college out there to be honest but it is what I can afford. Oh, yeah. Here might come the haters saying, "You suck because you said Atlantic is not the best." I'm just being honest. In the US and Europe, they have the best colleges to study graphic arts, animation and video games. Even the teachers from Atlantic tell you that you should do your masters outside of Puerto Rico or even to look for a good job. So, why lie saying that is the best college out there? It does have some good things but then again, no college is perfect. Back to my initial point. So, finally after a long time thinking about it, I decided to create this. What should I use it for? Hm.

-Giving reviews of stuff.
-Posting cool links and reviewing
-Blahbish about my life
-Blah blah about the bad things and good things
-Stories I create or randomly develop at night time
-Posting cool pictures(can I post pics here?)
-Typing all my frustration and anger in a much bigger space than a FB status or twitter.
-Work, life, pets, family, friends, shit, food, sex,games, what is not to like?
P.S. I might insult a few people in the way. XD No offense but sometimes, they deserve it.

--End of blog 1---

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